Wednesday, September 20, 2006


It's not often that the reporter gets to become the reportee but some rather ummm... interesting photos of everyone's favourite TV6 journalist caught in flagrante delicto have been making the rounds and guess who has a copy. Now, I will not be posting them up - yuh mad - but, if you are interested, I can forward them to you. Hmmm hmmm hmmm... Who knew he leant to the left?!


Anonymous said...

You know things bad when nude pictures of one of our local reporters make from page of the daily press. Buh homie real love himself. Naked, on the phone and still have time to take a picture of his package.

Hottie Hottie said...

Anything to sell a paper, I guess. He feel he's the cock of the walk - pun intended.

Anonymous said...

Some serious NEWS there. LOL :-O I really don't know what to say about this.

Hottie Hottie said...

Girl... if you see how my boy pose off! Talking on teh phone, loving up with the girl AND WELL TAKING PICTURE!!! I did always know he did full ah heself eh but oh gorm! During sex!!?

Oswyn said...

Leaning left politically?

Gyul, when I see that ah say ah shame for him.

Oswyn said...

...and yuh could see the boy real think he's a star.

Hottie Hottie said...

He feel he's a star long time. I eh know who fool he. FEEL he's a small axe could cut dong big tree!!! Steups....

Hottie Hottie said...

De two heads resemble... yuh eh find?!

Oswyn said...

...well they both misshapen.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if someone sent me an email forward boi. LOL

Now I have to check my email so I'll know what this "two heads resemble thing yuh talking about. Though I could imagine HOW though. LOL

Icahwait* said...

I got some more pics today, I don't know what he so proud about with that twist up ting he have there. but is the girls skinning up too, especially the dark one like she used to that kinda ting...

Hottie Hottie said...

He WELL proud a dat bend up, quailey looking ting eh!