Thursday, November 30, 2006

I've got my brother's nose...

Imagine living in a world where looking like this is considered normal. I mean, is this LaToya or Michael with a long wig?


Oswyn said...

Why is there not a normal one among them? I can't even say Janet is normal...especially not after nipplegate.

Carnival Jumbie said...

Michael in drag is my vote.

Trinidad Carnival Diary said...

nasty :S

katrice said...

I think LaToya had the funny non-nose first. She's always looked weird. Took Michael a little longer to get there.

Island Spice said...

er.. I still confused.. which one is it?

Anonymous said...

What's so sad about it is that they were basically a good looking family (awright, with the exception of Tito) and just messed themselves up. One day I was actually side by side with Jermaine at NBC Studios in NY. Now that was the love of my life. I just knew he was going to be my husband. But when ah look up at de man, ah wanted to cry. Ah wanted to shake him and ask him - baby, wha happen tuh yuh! If yuh see makeup and pimples all over he face. I immediately fell out of love.

katrice said...

Law, I think those poor Jacksons are cursed with bad skin, among other things. And they were a naturally handsome family, most of them. Should have just left well-enough alone.