Thursday, May 15, 2008

Down in Fraggle Rock

Remember a while back I told you guys about the Fraggle Rock movie? Well, it's been confirmed! It's most likely going to be a musical - which kicks ass - and the whole gang's gona be there. I should give you guys a link to the story or something but I'm too lazy so Google it nah. Dance your cares away - clap clap - worry's for another da a ay...

P.S. I used to work with a guy that was the stinking image of Junior Gorg. Incredible thing was, my boy though he was a player. Sad.


katrice said...

He looked like that guy??? Oh well. Some people have a healthy self-esteem, no matter what! lol

Hottie Hottie said...

AND was married AND used to be calling woman bitch and ho AND always know who skinny. Healthy self-esteem is joke!!!! Just so the man used to look you know. Well, except for the fur.

Anonymous said...

I loved Fraggle Rock. When I ask people about it, people rarely know what I am talking about. Glad to see someone else was down with the Fraggles. Can't wait to hear more about the show.